General FAQ

What do I need to prepare for the cleaner?

To make the cleaning session an efficient one, we advise owners to have basic cleaning equipments such as vacuum cleaner or broom, mop, wipe cloth, pails and cleaning detergent.
Most importantly, there must be water at home.

Do I get the same housekeeper servicing my house every session?

Yes! If you are able to commit to the same day and time on a weekly or fortnightly basis, we are committed to sending you the same housekeeper to ensure efficiency and quality cleaning.

Do I have to stay with the same fix day and time for the cleaning session?

We understand that with your busy schedule, it is not easy to have the cleaning on the same day and time every week, therefore it is not necessary to have the cleaning day fixed. However do note that we may not be able to allocate the same housekeeper.

Can I leave my house keys with the cleaner?

We recommend you to be around while the cleaning is in progress. Once you feel comfortable with the cleaner, it is at your own discretion to leave your house keys with him/her while you are away. Nevertheless, owners are urged to keep valuable items away to prevent any misunderstandings.

Are there any charges / fees for rescheduling or cancelling a booking?

There will be no charge for rescheduling/cancelling any booking 24 hours prior to the cleaning. However, any rescheduling/cancelling thereafter will cause 1 session to be forfeited.

Can I extend the cleaning hours?

Clients who wish to extend the cleaning hours will have to call our support hotline and it will be dealt with on a case-by-case basis as the housekeepers already have a schedule set aside. Payment for the additional hours will then be advised by our support team.

Do you provide cleaning supplies?

For regular housekeeping services, clients are to provide both equipment and solution for our housekeeper. However for tenancy cleaning, we will provide the equipment and solution necessary to keep your apartment clean.

What is deep cleaning?

Deep cleaning is a process that involves scrubbing, dusting, and mopping the floor. It can be done by yourself or with the help of someone else.

Who does deep cleaning in Singapore?

Here at AFM The Cleaning Company, the deep cleaning is done by our professional cleaners who are experienced at this. You can visit our deep cleaning website to find out more.

How do I know if my floors need deep cleaning?

Several signs indicate that your floors need to be cleaned up. If they have accumulated a lot of dust or dirt, they will need to be cleaned up before they become dirty again. Also, if you notice that some spots on your floor

How long will deep cleaning take?

Deep cleaning takes between 3 to 4 hours depending on the size of your apartment. This includes time spent vacuuming floors, scrubbing walls and ceilings, and wiping down sinks and other areas where there is a lot of grime build-up throughout your home or office space.

How does the AFM The Cleaning Company work?

We are an award-winning house cleaning company that offers deep cleaning services in Singapore and other services such as pre-moving and move-in / move-out cleaning services. You can book part-time or regular cleaning via WhatsApp or call us directly. It takes just three simple steps to schedule your first booking.

1. Click here to contact us

2. Share with us your apartment details

3. Schedule an appointment! As simple as that.

How is AFM The Cleaning Company different from others?

Not at all like the common cleaning company or maid agency, we are an organization that focuses significantly on customer experience and satisfaction. Our hourly rates are transparently introduced on all customers’ desks. You’ll never have to wait for any queries related to quote demand or any service.

How does AFM The Cleaning Company ensure service quality?

We ensure service quality through rigorous staff training, regular supervision, and thorough quality checks. We believe in transparency and encourage customer feedback to continuously improve our services. Also, our customer support team is always available to address any concerns or issues.


Should you still have any questions, kindly contact us at +65 8660 9297